Thursday Highs and Lows

My little Thursday was going well until I attempted to fix my hair. remember a while ago when I dyed my hair blonde because I was having a quarter life crisis? #Низкая точка

I still think that jelly fish stung me because my hair was so tragic. I deserved it. #Низкая точка
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Learning from a bad Run
Плохие пробежки случаются – вот как я прошел мимо и научился на следующем забеге. tip to help you become a better runner by being a neutral observer of your workouts.

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Over a year ago, I put it back to red and my natural hair color has grown out to my shoulders. Видеть? My natural color looks unnatural to begin with. thank you Jesus.But, the old dyed part is lighter than my real color so I tried to dye the ends today. It turned out pink. #Низкая точка

So, I made myself an iced coffee…

and enjoyed the most incredible Costco samples for a high. Sugar high This is a pie crust spread with butter, cinnamon and sugar – then, rolled and baked. God bless us everyone. #Высокая точка

I completely massacred my pizza for dinner. #Низкая точка

So, I put on some extra make up while cooking up another one on fancy sourdough bread.

After my evening clients I met up with my favorite OC bloggers for fro-yo. #Высокая точка

My mom gave me a hooked up Yogurtland card a while back and I got crazy with it. #Высокая точка

I polished this off in 32 seconds. На публике. #Низкая точка

Margot did her signature pose. #Высокая точка

SkinnyRunner got hit on by a vagrant. #Низкая точка

The fellow fro-yo lovers: Sarah from once Upon a Lime, Heather, Some Mexican and Margot the faster Bunny

I have friends (or people who are willing to take pics with me in public, which is basically the same thing). #Высокая точка

What was your high point and low point today?

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